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Facilitating Independent Learning in Tertiary Education – new pathways to achievement


I worked for over 10 years facilitating and hearing the story of learner success in gaining tertiary qualifications as they unpacked the skills and knowledge of their careers and addressed the work-based issues and challenges of  their work-based contexts.

These processes occurred through an innovative facilitation model and the learning processes explained in this book. Personalised learning is seen as the future of education and the learning pathways at Capable NZ through Independent Learning Pathways and Professional Practice degrees provided a model for this.  Learner voices from the research are used to illustrate and evidence the transformative nature of the reflective learning process.  

The model is about equity and entry into the world of qualifications – a door shut to many by traditional process.  The pathways recognised that all skills, work and backgrounds have value; and offered a second chance for mature and experienced learners to gain qualifications, removing barriers that traditionally face workers.  

As a career specialist, I have utilised my careers research to look beyond the achievement of a degree to the impact of these learning experiences on 21st century career development, observing the  new career and learning confidence the graduates bring to their work, as well as a  heightened enthusiasm for lifelong learning. 

“Facilitating Independent Learning in Tertiary Education – new pathways to achievement” is a professional development asset for educators and career practitioners to discover processes and models  that provide opportunity, respect different knowledges, remove learning barriers and build  the relationships that grow learning and career confidence.


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Facilitating Independent Learning in Tertiary Education – new pathways to achievement

First published 2021

© 2021 Heather Carpenter and Glenys Ker.
© 2021 illustrations, the artists or other copyright owners.

ISBN 978-0-908846-64-1 (Print)
ISBN 978-0-908846-65-8 (Online)
Published in New Zealand by:
Otago Polytechnic Press
Forth Street
Dunedin 9016

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